WHO’S WHO of Soda City

Our mission is to connect people in the Columbia metropolitan area with events, goods and services. We welcome all industries to be featured on the app, including: health & wellness, nonprofits, beauty, real estate, insurance, financial services, legal, contractors, creatives, etc. College students may also be featured at no cost.

We understand that Columbia is a “handshake” town and we would love for businesses, professionals, job seekers, and students to connect.

Please refer to the Who’s Who Inclusion and Exclusion Policies for more information.


WHO’S WHO in the Soda City

You may provide any and all of the following information:





Email Address

Social Media

Personal Description

What does Who’s Who Include?

Let Soda City Certified users know who you are, where you’re located, and what you do. All Soda City Certified Who’s Who entries include:

Business listing under the Who’s Who tab in the app

Social Media Recognition

Address and GPS capability directly from the app

Participate in our rewards program. Reward Soda City Certified app users for patronizing your business. We have loyalty options.

How do I Sign Up

COLLEGE STUDENTS ARE FREE FOR THE YEAR! If you are a student looking to network with Soda City Certified Who’s Who business owners, make it easy for them to hire you once they locate you at their fingertips. Must be ages 24 and under. Students must send their résumé and photo to sodacitycertified@gmail.com.

Student "Who's Who"
Who's Who (Local Champion Level)
$75.00 every 12 months

Please send any images to hello@sodacitycertified.com. High resolution is preferred.